Hartnett Falls

Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National ParkGPS Coords: -41.9134, 146.1282
Land Tenure: National Park

Tasmap Reference: 4235 Du Cane

Hartnett Falls
© 2015 - 2025 Photography: Caedence Kuepper

Grade 4 Hike
Suitable for experienced hikers only.

1.5km's45 minutes (from overland track) returnFormed track, some obstacles Clearly sign posted

Formed earthen track, few obstacles. Generally a modified surface, sections may be hardened. Width: variable and less than 1200mm. Kept mostly clear.

Dogs are not allowed
Drones are not allowed
Unknown if accessible with a caravan
Unknown if accessible with a campervan or RV
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average rating of 8.2 out of 10

rated by 12 people

About Hartnett Falls

For many people, Hartnett Falls are the most impressive of the waterfalls that can be seen on the world-famous Overland Track. The falls drop 20 metres into a narrow gorge, and in times of high flow in winter and spring produce enough mist to soak onlookers standing even 100 metres away. By contrast, in the summer months when the waterflow is lower, the pools at the base and top of the falls become great swimming holes to cool off in.

The falls can be seen by taking a detour from the main trail on the fifth day of walking along the Overland Track (coming from Cradle Mountain). This well-marked track descends to the top of the waterfall, before narrowing as it continues more steeply on to the falls’ base. There is one potentially difficult stream crossing along the way, however the effort is well worth it to view Hartnett Falls, which are just about a must-see for anyone hiking the Overland Track. 


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Previous and Next Waterfall (Alphabetical order)

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Suitable for experienced hikers.

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