Fergusson Falls

Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National ParkGPS Coords: -41.9088, 146.1223
Land Tenure: National Park

Tasmap Reference: 4235 Du Cane

Fergusson Falls
© 2015 - 2025 Photography: Caedence Kuepper

Grade 4 Hike
Suitable for experienced hikers only.

1km's45 minutes (from overland track) returnFormed track, some obstacles Clearly sign posted

Formed earthen track, few obstacles. Generally a modified surface, sections may be hardened. Width: variable and less than 1200mm. Kept mostly clear.

Dogs are not allowed
Drones are not allowed
Unknown if accessible with a caravan
Unknown if accessible with a campervan or RV
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average rating of 7.2 out of 10

rated by 11 people

About Fergusson Falls

One of the three waterfalls on the Mersey River that can be seen as part of the Overland Track, Fergusson Falls is potentially the hardest of the three to photograph or satisfactorily view. The track that takes you to the falls, part of a 45 minute detour from the main track that also includes impressive D’Alton Falls, finishes right beside the falls themselves, meaning that the only views you can get from the track are very close up, side-on, and rather awkward for photography. If care is taken it is possible to scramble down onto the large rock slabs on the banks of the river just downstream of the falls to get a clearer view, however in times of high flow they become very slippery and dangerous due to the amount of mist coming off the falls.

For more detailed information on the hike to the falls see the D’Alton Falls page, as these waterfalls are only a few minute’s walk from each other and visited on the same sidestrip. 


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Previous and Next Waterfall (Alphabetical order)

Featherstone Cascades


Grade 4 HikeGrade 4 Hike

Suitable for experienced hikers.

Ferntree Falls

St Helens

Grade 3 HikeGrade 3 Hike

Some bush walking experience recommended.

Waterfalls near Fergusson Falls

D'Alton Falls

Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park

Grade 4 HikeGrade 4 Hike

Suitable for experienced hikers.

Benson Falls

Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park

Grade 4 HikeGrade 4 Hike

Suitable for experienced hikers.

Boulder Falls

Cradle Mountain - Lake St Clair National Park

Grade 5 HikeGrade 5 Hike

Suitable for very experienced hikers only.