Holley Falls

Southwest National ParkGPS Coords: -42.7785, 146.0949
Land Tenure: National Park

Updated on 04 Oct 2021

Holley Falls
© 2015 - 2025 Photography: Caedence Kuepper

Grade 5 Hike
Suitable for very experienced hikers only.

2.5km's3 Hours returnRough unformed track No directional signage

No Modification of the natural environment.

Dogs are not allowed
Drones are not allowed
Not suitable for caravans
Not suitable for campervans or RV's
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About Holley Falls

Only recently discovered and named, Holley Falls is an interesting twisting waterfall about 20 metres in height situated in dense bush near Strathgordon. The falls are relatively close to the road, only 650 metres in a straight line, though this very much understates the substantial difficulty involved in getting here. Once a suitable route through the scrub is found the actual distance of the walk is 2.5km return, requiring a minimum of three hours return. 

To reach Holley Falls, take the unsigned (and very easy to miss) turnoff onto Holley Road from Gordon River Road, and follow this road as far as your car will take you. An aviary site just before a roadblock indicating a collapsed culvert is the obvious parking place, though the severely rutted road may require parking further back if in a standard car. From the pullout, head across the old culvert and a short hill until you come to an overgrown pullout on the right. The scrub looks very uninviting here and it doesn't get much better as you make your way in, with the first 150 metres or so from the road requiring a significant amount of time and effort to negotiate. The first setion takes you through a variety of scrub, down a very steep descent and in and out of a gully. Once out of this gully, try to stick to the ridgeline, avoiding the temptation to contour down towards Holley Creek as the scrub only gets worse lower down. Continue on this ridge until you come to the top of a scrambly gully that provides a direct route down to the falls. If making the effort to get this far it is worth continuing to  Upper Holley Falls, which are described on their own page. Allow at least four hours to visit both waterfalls. 

While the difficulty involved in the hike ensures it isn't one for any but the most dedicated waterfall baggers experienced in off track navigation, Holley Falls, together with Upper Holley Falls make for an impressive waterfall pairing that is worth a visit at least once. 


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