Billy Browns Falls

JudburyGPS Coords: -42.9154, 146.9874
Land Tenure: Conservation Area

Tasmap Reference: 4824 Lonnavale

Updated on 20 Sep 2021

Billy Browns Falls
© 2015 - 2025 Photography: Craig Doumouras

Grade 3 Hike
Some bushwalking experience recommended.

2.2km's1.5 hours returnFormed track, some obstacles Sign posted

Formed earthen track, few obstacles. Generally a modified surface, sections may be hardened. Width: variable and less than 1200mm. Kept mostly clear.

Dogs are not allowed
Drones are not allowed
Unknown if accessible with a caravan
Unknown if accessible with a campervan or RV
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average rating of 7.6 out of 10

rated by 12 people

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About Billy Browns Falls

In the hills above Judbury is the impressive Billy Browns Falls, a tall waterfall dropping about 30 metres over an unusually shaped multi-segmented drop. The falls usually have at least some water flowing, however during summer this flow is often reduced to an unspectacular trickle, making this a waterfall best visited after rain in the winter and spring. 

Potentially the most difficult part about getting to Billy Browns Falls is negotiating the road to the carpark. To reach the falls, you have to take Judds Creek Road out of Judbury, and while this road is fine for the majority of the drive up it, after you cross a culvert over Judds Creek the final few kilometres become very rough, with large potholes and rocks obstructing progress. In a 4WD there should be no problems, but driving to the track in a standard car is not recommended. If travelling in a 2WD, it is best to park at the culvert, and walk the remaining 3.5km each way along the road to the falls, adding at least two hours to the overall trip.  

Once you reach the start of the trail, it is a moderate 90 minute return walk to Billy Browns Falls. The first section of the track is wide and easy, however it soon narrows and becomes more difficult as it heads up the often slippery hillside, gaining close to 150 metres in elevation before reaching the highpoint of the track. From here, the track becomes narrower and rockier as  it skirts the edge of a steep hillside, becoming steeper as it descends down to the base of the falls, which are reached after a 45 minute walk. 

Billy Browns Falls had been central in a fight to prevent logging in the West Wellington Area, but in 2013 was added to the Russell Ridge Conservation Area. This has lead to works to improve the track, including the addition of new signage at the start of the walk where previously the trailhead had been marked only with small hand drawn signs. 


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