Timeline for John DawsonMember since: 08 May 2022

Waterfalls visited: 124

2014 (1 waterfall visited)

Heemskirk Falls

17 Dec 2014

A packrafting adventure

Adding this old one, as I noticed comment that this falls was hard to get to. There is actually a good track (mountain bikable) from the road to near the top of the falls, and from there you can easily packraft/lilo to the top of the falls

2019 (1 waterfall visited)

Horsetail Falls

22 Aug 2019

Trying the new track

Visited this falls a few times - before the new walkway was installed, when it was in stalled (this pic) and have also ridden to the top on the new MTB track ... this was the best photo.

2020 (2 waterfalls visited)

Hardings Falls

18 Oct 2020

Big rains ...

Was out exploring possible mountain bike rides in the area, and thought I'd make a quick visit to these falls. Steep towards the end, but worth it.

Liffey Falls

24 Oct 2020

Walk up from the bottom ...

After having visited from the top car park on several occasions, this was my first walk up from the bottom car park. Lovely walk. Highly recommend.

2021 (2 waterfalls visited)

Montezuma Falls

24 Jan 2021

Lovely ride ...

After a play at the Oonah MTB Trail, the ride into Montezuma Falls made for a lovely (but long) day.

Redwater Creek Falls

12 Jun 2021

Quick diversion while riding MTB Trails

Ridden past this falls so many times, finally decided to pop in and have a look. Well worth the 10 minute diversion, but leave your MTB at the fence and just walk down.

2022 (41 waterfalls visited)

Lilydale Falls

24 Apr 2022

An overnight stop ...

Heading up to Ansons Bay for a bit of mountain biking, I stopped here for the night to camp and really enjoyed the short walk out to the two falls in the morning and watching the autumn leaves in the park. Great spot.

Billy Browns Falls

08 May 2022

A good excuse to go riding

Visited Billy Brown Falls after recent very heavy rainfall (130mm in previous three days). The falls were booming, and very slippery. Whoever is maintaining the walking track in is doing a great job, although the road is another matter.

Fairy Falls (Geeveston)

15 May 2022

Nice side trip off Tasmanian Trail ...

Lovely little waterfall to visit, albeit with low flow. I completely overshot the falls initially heading up the path into the bush (due to Listmap being a bit deceptive). Much closer to the fence than I expected. No track.

Kermandie Falls

25 Jun 2022

unexpected pleasure

Bad weather day and wasn't really motivated until I got onto the track, but once there it was a great walk, amazing fungi and lots of scrambling under and over downed trees.

Adams Falls

02 Jul 2022

A lovely little side trip from doing the Adamsfield circuit

Found this on the map half way around the circuit so did a quick visit to the overlook

Slippery Falls

16 Jul 2022

Windy day up on Snug Tiers ...

Will need to save a closer visit to another day.

Pelverata Falls

16 Jul 2022

The water was blowing up as much as it was down ...

Track into the top of Pelverata Falls has really deteriorated. Hard slog in, even on the ebike.

Adamsons Falls

07 Aug 2022

Wonderful walk ...

Both the walk in and the falls are definitely worth it, and while the track is wet at this time of year, it is still a photographers delight,

Creekton Falls

07 Aug 2022

Interesting Track ...

The track from Adamsons Falls to Creekton Falls is heavily taped, but it still takes a fair bit of navigation and is tricky underfoot with lots of ups and downs. Definitely worth it, even if it doesn't feel it at the time.

Marriotts Falls

21 Aug 2022

Perfect flow ...

A wonderful, and much short walk, into Marritots Falls. Only took 30 minutes each way. Track slightly muddy and slippery underfoot.

Upper Marriotts Falls

21 Aug 2022

Definitely the highlight ...

Continuing up from Marriotts Falls, the track was much clearer and better marked than I expected. Took about an hour return from Marriotts Falls.

Lady Barron Falls

21 Aug 2022

An unexpected visit ...

Had planned to go and visit Sharpes Falls, but road was signed to 'no unauthorised entry' so did a quick walk around the Lady Barron Falls circuit (counter clockwise direction).

Horseshoe Falls

21 Aug 2022

Why so quiet?

Arrived here after visiting Lady Barron Falls and wondered why it was so quiet (no one at all around). 1 minute further along I found the track to Russell Falls was closed ... then it was the long walk back.

Russell Falls

21 Aug 2022

Once last dogleg ...

After having to retrace my route from Horseshoe Falls back to the road and walking back that way, I still decided to do a quick trip out to Russell Falls to make it five waterfalls in a day ... a good day.

Nelson Falls

25 Aug 2022

A short stop on the way to the west coast.

I have visited this falls on multiple occasions across the years, and this was just meant to be a quick stop on my way past. Really glad I called in as the flow was just perfect.

Pearl Creek Falls

25 Aug 2022

Is it a waterfall though ...

This was a really short stop (made shorter by the poor weather and a large snake lying across the track and unwilling to move on), I think a nice spot in summer (without snakes) but on a drizzly winter day, not so much.

St Clair Falls

25 Aug 2022

Quite the journey ...

A five hour drive, followed by several hard kilometres on the mountain bike and a final rock scamble up the creek below the falls, finally unveiled this hidden falls. Very tricky last section with water levels.

Fitzroy Falls

26 Aug 2022

Got there ...

40kms of coastal riding through soft sand, fast flowing rivers and incoming tides followed by a final bush bash through thick scrub uncovered this hidden gem ... probably nicer (and easier to get to) with less water flow.

Waratah Falls

26 Aug 2022

In love with Waratah ...

Great night at Waratah including a stroll to the bottom of the falls, watching a platypus playing in the ponds as the sun set, then some night shots of the lit up falls and another rambler around town in the morning ... loved it.

Philosopher Falls

27 Aug 2022

A quick re-visit

Visited this falls many years ago and honestly didn't think I'd come back, but with low cloud and drizzle hanging around, I decided to do a revisit to pass some time ... and really glad I did as there was much more water this time around.

Wandle Falls

27 Aug 2022

A sad retreat ...

My plans for a ride up Mt Donaldson put on hold due to low cloud and rain, I instead headed off to the nearest falls, which happened to be Wandle Falls. A fun little walk in along a taped path was well worth it. Photos don't do it justice

Guide Falls

27 Aug 2022

Follow the sign ...

My last minute plans to visit Owen Brooks Falls and Cam Falls foiled by no mobile coverage, just as I was wondering what to do a see a road sign to Guide Falls ... so that's where I headed. Lovely spot.

Oldaker Falls

27 Aug 2022

Yea ... Nah

With thoughts turning to home after visiting Guide Falls, I decided a quick lap of the new Burnie Pump Track followed by a short walk to Oldaker Falls (and lunch) was in order. Not much positive to say about this one other than a nice walk

Strickland Falls

04 Sep 2022

How many waterfalls can I visit in a morning ...

Set myself a fun challenge this morning to see how many waterfalls I could visit in a morning. I started at Strickland Falls, and from there it was onto the ebike and foot ...

O'Gradys Falls

04 Sep 2022

Falls Number 2

A good uphill warm-up ride from Strickland Falls up Strickland Avenue, Huon Road and S57 led to Bracken Lane Fire Trail and then a short walk to the falls themselves ...

Featherstone Cascades

04 Sep 2022

An interesting explore ...

After visiting O'Gradys Falls, it was a nice little off track walk to the Featherstone Cascades. Hard to think of these as a waterfall, and wouldn't encourage others to follow as it was a sensitive area.

Fairy Falls (Mt Wellington)

04 Sep 2022

Highight of the day ...

After some fun, but muddy, MTB riding along Pitfall and Stumpside Tracks, I followed the directions (and pink tape) on foot out to Fairy Falls ... Defintely worth the hike. Four falls down.

Secret Falls

04 Sep 2022

Wow ...

After the walk back to the bike from Fairy Falls it was a fun ride down the Upper Luge to the start of the Myrtle Gully Track and then a short and beautiful walk to Secret Falls. Lots of people out and about as the day went on. Fall #5

Oakes Falls

04 Sep 2022

Nice ...

A hop, skip and a jump above Secret Falls, another great fall to visit. Loved this area. Fall #6

New Town Falls

04 Sep 2022

Last fall of the day ...

Quite the epic ride (and walk) to get here and then back to the car by noon. Probably the least interesting fall of the day (must go back when it has more water), and with three major cascades, hard to photograph. Still glad I visited.

New Town Falls

04 Sep 2022

Just adding an extra photo of the lower cascades ....

Wellington Falls

17 Sep 2022

Longer walk than I remembered ...

It's been a long time time between visits to this falls, and with some spare time this morning I enjoyed an ebike ride to the start of the walking track, and then probably an hour return walk to the falls. Pic taken from below the lookout.

Silver Falls - Browns River

17 Sep 2022

A quick visit on the way back from Wellington Falls ...

Joy of an ebike, it was an easy side trip to visit this falls before a mad dash back to the car in order to make a 12.30 catch up.

Keoghs Falls

02 Oct 2022


A very easy walk, but the falls are now nearly impossible to see from the lookout due to growth. I did scramble down the falls a bit for a better look (not much luck) and enjoyed this snap of a small cascade above the main falls ...

Arve Falls

02 Oct 2022

Windy day ...

This was a short and pleasant walk (albeit windy and cold) and then some fun trying to find some good angles to take a shot of this falls.

Myrtle Forest Falls

28 Nov 2022

Quick visit on a rainy day ...

Bit longer walk than expected as you can no longer get as far along the road as you used to, but still a lovely walk

Glenorchy Falls

30 Nov 2022

Quick lunchime ride ..

It was 12.15, sitting at my desk at work and I had my next meeting at 2pm. I could do it. I think, 27kms and with 5 minutes to spare, I'd made it from the CBD to the falls and back ...

Meadstone Falls

30 Dec 2022

Hard falls to see ...

Managed to drive to the start of the walk (river now has a reasonabel crossing). Lookout unsafe, so you have to scramble around to get a view hence wonky angle ... lovely spot though.

Ironbark Falls

31 Dec 2022

Quick visit while doing dreaming pools ...

It's a short off track walk to this from the swimming spot on the dreaming pools ride, so couldn't resist this one to end the year. To be honest though, it was nicer swimming beneath on the nearby river.

Echo Falls

31 Dec 2022

Dreaming pools ...

Another 'easy' visit as part of a ride our the dreaming pools loop. If I knew more about the climb to come I may have taken another dip here :).

Ferntree Falls

31 Dec 2022

A last quick visit for the year ...

Couldn't resist the quick trip out to this falls after visiting Ironbark and Echo Falls earlier in the day. A great trifecta to finish the year.

2023 (71 waterfalls visited)

Arm Falls

28 Jan 2023

Wish I

The loop is now washed out, and the track to the bottom of the falls technically closed (though I found it quite safe). The water was crystal clear and I just wish I'd stayed longer for a swim.

Parsons Falls

28 Jan 2023

Beautiful, but busy ...

After a morning visit to Arm River Falls, I headed here via 'the shortcut' to join a gang of people with babies, dogs and the kitchen sink. Had a lovely swim, but maybe I'll come back when it might be quieter ...

Lower Chasm Falls

28 Jan 2023

What a hidden gem ...

It started raining at 2am, and it was still raining at 9.30am when I started this walk and I almost didn't go ... however so glad I did. An amazing morning visiting a series of beautiful waterfalls and cascades.

Middle Chasm Falls

29 Jan 2023

A wonderful place to explore ...

Had a great time, exploring around here. Won't say anymore than that.

Chasm Falls

29 Jan 2023

Hard to get a good photo ...

This one was like a puzzle, couldn't photgraph from above, walked up and around to the other side - still no shot, so finally scambled down to the bottom and got this little peak ... a wonderful game.

Honor Falls

29 Jan 2023

A quick visit, not much water.

Visited as it was on my way home from a walk to the Chasm Falls. Walk is signposted (hand made sign), walk down a 4WD track about 30m then follow pink tapes on the left to the top and bottom of falls. Quite a steep scramble.

Trestle Falls

04 Feb 2023

A wet, slippery but wonderful visit

Made my way here on a very wet day, which wasn't a good choice. Very slippery area, but definitely worth the effort. Just allow plenty of time to slowly explore.

Reuben Falls

26 Feb 2023

Another great visit

It's been a few years since i last hiked to these falls, and although the road is a little rougher, the hike and falls are still as good as ever.

Weld Angel Falls

26 Feb 2023

What a place ...

The hike in on the old snug tracks is now really over grown and the hike down and up to the falls one of the steepest I've ever done ... but wow was it worth it.

Lovers Falls

12 Mar 2023

Lovers Falls

A quick visit to Lovers Falls as part of a four day kayaking and hiking trip. Well worth a quick visit.

Waterfall Bay

19 Mar 2023

Had a morning to spare ...

Had a morning to spare, so despite expected low levels decided to go down to the Tasman for a quick visit to the waterfalls around Waterfall Bay ...

Camp Falls

19 Mar 2023

More water than expected ...

Really wasn't expecting much after seeing the water going into the ocean, but was pleasantly surprised ...

Shower Falls

19 Mar 2023

Good track ...

There is actually a good track on the southern side of the river all the way to this falls. I tried following it down further, but was persuaded to go back after an encounter with a very large tiger snake.

Mavista Falls

25 Mar 2023

The walk is the reason for going here ..

The falls were nice, but the walk in was the best. Absolute magical little river to follow and now lots of red tape and very well worn track (although two other parties that I met on the wlak had both got lost, so what would I know).

Drizzly Falls

06 May 2023

A worthwhile detour, not a trip in itself ...

With no water in the lower part of the creek, I was happy to see anything at this falls. It has two tiers. The higher, taller tier is less interesting. This pic is the lower tier.

Hidden Falls (Orford)

06 May 2023

Quick the trip ...

I thought this would be an easy 2(ish) hour trip, but under-estimated the track in, climb down and then just the time it would take to walk up and down the creek. Great walk and definitely worth it.

Wilsons Falls

14 May 2023

If you could just lift the sun up a bit ...

Despite ListMap showing this track as closed, it is very open and easy to walk and a lovely walk in at that. Only shame was that the sun couldn't get high enough for a good photo.

Snug Falls

21 May 2023

Nice walk, not a lot of water though

Kiernans Falls

21 May 2023

Lovely spot ... but no water

Not really sure I can claim this one as the water flow was a trickle at best. Plan to come back when there's more flow.

Tolkien Falls

27 May 2023

Amazing, just amazing ...

A womderful and amazing walk with massive trees, colourful funghi and finishing up at a gorgeous waterfall, Do the loop - worth it.

Regnans Falls

27 May 2023

Follow the pink tapes (most of the time) ...

Slow walk in on this one, not helped by putting my hand right into a stinging nettle. Waterfall very hard to photograph.

Gold Creek Falls

27 May 2023

A truly hidden gem ...

Active logging at the start of the walk made it very tricky underfoot, then it is a steep descent (as advertised) but oh so worth it ... one of the prettiest waterfalls in Tassie I reckon.

Westmorland Falls

03 Jun 2023

Not planned, but enjoyed ...

Was planning on heading out to Bastion Falls, but the area was closed due to deer cull, so headed here instead. I found the track much easier walking than the trail notes suggest.

Sensation Gorge Falls

03 Jun 2023

Not sure I can count this one ...

Well this was a disaster. Not only was there no water, I took a bad fall climbing down to the waterfall and (a week later) still can't fully use my left hand. Still, a lovely walk otherwise. Followed the stream bed back upstream.

Lobster Falls

03 Jun 2023

So many waterfalls ...

There were actually four significant waterfalls along this walk (and it really does get harder towards the end). The last falls which is officially lobster falls seemed one of the least impressive to me ...

Montana Falls

04 Jun 2023

Crisp morning walk ...

The car told me it was -3 degrees as I drove out to this walk this morning. A lovely way to start the day before heading back to Westbury for breakfast.

Upper Liffey Falls

04 Jun 2023

Loved this walk ... and the icicles

I walked down to Upper Liffey Falls from the top of the pass and it was a great choice. Only took 30 minutes (maybe less) and was fairly easy to follow track if careful with navigation. The waterfall was surrounded by ice crystals.

Victoria Valley Falls

04 Jun 2023

Bit of a detour ...

So started the day in Deloraine, and ended in Hobart - via Ouse. Hard falls to get a good view, but managed to clamber around to a spot which I was happy with.

Kenmere Falls

04 Jun 2023

This one was a pleasant surprise ...

I was only expected a small little fall, so this tri flow fall was a real pleasure and surprise. The walk into the falls was pretty easy to navigate both in and out even though it was off track.

Cumberland Falls

11 Jun 2023

4th time lucky

Finally found the track down to Cumberland Falls, and it was a doozy. Amazing Flow.

Stitt Falls

11 Jun 2023

Quick visit ...

Only got the tourists view from the top, will need to come back for a proper visit to the base when there is a little less flow ...

Montezuma Falls

12 Jun 2023

Glad to see some water flowing ...

Must be my 5th or 6th time to this waterfall, but this is the best flow I've seen so far.

Rawlinson Falls

12 Jun 2023

One of the best in Tasmanian ...

The climb down from the track is steep, but so worth it.

Frazer Falls

12 Jun 2023

Quite the walk ...

Lots of up and downs to get to this fall, and to be honest I preferred the other unnamed fall further down Frazer Creek just above the Montezuma Track

Knyvet Falls

13 Jun 2023

A pre morning visit ...

I left my car in the complete dark, so had to wait for some light for this one. A lovely and easily accesible falls, but not where it is shown on the website.

Pencil Pine Falls

13 Jun 2023

Falls in the mist ...

Lots of low mist this morning and no where to put my mini tripod, made this a very hard falls to photgraph. New gorilla tripod ordered.

Pencil Pine Cascades

13 Jun 2023

Quick stop ...

If you park at the visitors centre, then you pass this cascade as you walk along the road to Knyvet and Pencil Pine Falls walk.

Phillips Falls

13 Jun 2023

A lovely surprise ...

Wasn't expecting much from this fall, but the track was easy and recently cleared and the falls itself was quite gorgeous.

Tin Spur Falls

13 Jun 2023

Visited on the ebike ...

Drove down to the start of this ride and scooted in on the ebike which made it very easy. The last scramble down is steep, but pretty easy if you find the track (20 m before the bridge)

Ration Tree Falls

13 Jun 2023

Hard walk, but worth it ...

Track in is no longer clear, and pretty exposed towards the end. But never really hard and definitely worth it.

Olivers Falls

13 Jun 2023

Go the blackberries ...

Almost didn't leave the road, but then decided to try my luck in the blackberries and found it to be a surprisingly easy walk (even in shorts) to the base of the falls if you go the right way.

Cornwall Falls

23 Jul 2023

Dry ...

A nice drive, and short walk ... but all for nothing. I'll watch the rainfall more closely next time.

Grey Mares Tail

23 Jul 2023

Nice stroll, bring chicken food ...

Been here a few times, and never really seen it flowing. Wish I'd brough some food for the abandoned chooks in the car park ...

Punchbowl Falls

05 Aug 2023

Pleasant surprise ...

Really wasn't expecting much from this falls, but there was a great flow and a brief but enjoyable walk to a part of Launceston I'd not visited before.

Harridge Falls

05 Aug 2023


Waterflows were great (probably too great) for this falls ... pretty good track in now, all taped and pretty obvious.

Halls Falls

05 Aug 2023

Amazing ...

Such a gorgeous waterfall, and despite taking a dozen or more photos, I didn't really manage to capture it. The return 'loop' is a bit overgrown.

St Columba Falls

05 Aug 2023

Quick visit as the dark came in ...

I confess this was a bit of a run to get to this falls before the sun set. Still looked great in the growing dark and glad I made the effort.

Mathinna Falls

12 Aug 2023

Favourite waterfall(s) ...

I visited the bottom three (maybe four depending on how you count them) tiers. Hade to wade through the creek a bit for the last falls, but so, so worth it. Gorgeous series of waterfalls. Loved it.

Ralphs Falls

12 Aug 2023

Better walk than falls ...

I really enjoyed the walk through the forest and along the cliff tops, but the view of the falls themselves isn't that great. Would like to come back and see if I can get down below.

Pelverata Falls

09 Sep 2023

Been a while

Did the short walk into the lookout at the base of the falls and back ...

Evercreech Falls

23 Sep 2023

Smashed my iPhone ... expensive!

Not a very impressive falls, but a nice prelude to what is further up the stream

Evercreech Rivulet Falls

23 Sep 2023

The walk up the creek is what makes this a magical place ...

Despite two falls on my way up here, it was a magical place to go and explore. Definite favourite.

Slippery Falls

22 Oct 2023

Felt I had to do it ...

Having sen Slippery Falls from Pelverata Falls so many times, I was curious to walk to the top and see it back the other way ...

Silver Falls - Castra Circuit

26 Oct 2023

More water ...

A pleasant walk around the circuit, but not much water unfortunately ...

Secret Place

26 Oct 2023

Not where shown on map ...

I ended up walking a few hundred (slow) metres further downstream searching for where this marker is shown on waterfallsoftasmania. It was a nice walk ... nicer than the falls.

Castra Cascades

26 Oct 2023

Recent tree fall ...

There has been a big tree come down just at the base of the cascades recently which made this interesting.

Castra Falls

26 Oct 2023

I suspect this would be wonderful with more water ...

I think I went here the new way (missed an old track which may have a lot less climbing) but overall a bit disappointed (again) with the low water levels.

Step Falls

26 Oct 2023

Pick of the circuit ...

Really liked this little waterfall at the end of the Castra Circuit.

Upper Preston Falls

26 Oct 2023

Take the right way in ...

I tried to get to this falls via the gps route on waterfallsoftasmania and that was a disaster, but then found the very easy track down further down the road. Magical place to explore.

Preston Falls

26 Oct 2023

Fun fall

Not realising this fall was here until I got to the top of Lower Preston Falls, I'd come only in with very poor shoes which made it an interesting walk up the river. Worth it though and pretty easy in the end.

Delaneys Falls

26 Oct 2023

Worth exploring ...

almost didn't go to the bottom of these falls, and wouldn't that have been a shame. Little bit of effort finding your way down, but well worth it.

Dip Falls

27 Oct 2023

Felt tick boxey

Nice drive there via backoads, then lots of stairs. Maybe would have grabbed me if there was more water, but felt like a come, take photo, leave type of falls.

Little Dip Falls

27 Oct 2023

Photo doesn

Great little walk in, though a bit of a scramble to get to a spot where I could take a photo. Would have been easier to cross the creek at the top of the falls and come down the other side. Photo doesn't do this falls justice.

Detention Falls

27 Oct 2023


What a great walk. After visiting so many falls with low water levels, hit this one at the perfect water level to get to the base and take some shots. Magic, magic place.

McGowans Falls

27 Oct 2023

Not easy to get to ...

Long drive, and had to cut through three trees (with a handsaw) just to get to the start of this walk. Pleasant place, but would be better with more water.

Ringtail Falls

17 Dec 2023

Got there (and back) with the help of an ebike.

An amazing place to explore

Jeffries Falls

23 Dec 2023

A feeling of adventure

lovely remote trip to a not very spectacular waterfall.

Quaile Falls

27 Dec 2023


What a waterfall. Definitely one of the most beautiful I’ve ever visited

Beckett Falls

28 Dec 2023

So many downers …

All the signs to this place say it is closed, and for good reason.

Nelson Bay River Falls

28 Dec 2023

Quick side trip

Very easy to get to, though not much water flow when i visited.

Elver Falls

29 Dec 2023

Packraft and a lovely creek

Was turnover whether to walk in or Packraft. Packrafting was a fun morning.

2024 (7 waterfalls visited)

Split Rock Falls

21 Jan 2024

Bit steeper than expected, but well worth it.

Cleft Rock Falls

21 Jan 2024

Great three hour loop with multiple falls and lovely forest and rock formations

Was a bit confused by the map vs track, but in the end it was just a case of following my nose (or the markers)

Upper Cam Falls

22 Jan 2024

Photo disappointment ...

What a beautiful spot, and not one of my photos captured it.

St Josephs Falls

22 Jan 2024

blackberries ...

To those who have bashed there way to the base of this falls, kudos. With the poor light it just wasn't going to be worth it for me. Especially in shorts.

Cam Falls

22 Jan 2024

Beware the stinging nettle

I stepped right into a bush of stinging nettles at the base of this fall and that detracted from the enjoyment somewhat, but otherwise a lovely little adventure to explore.

Owen Brook Falls

22 Jan 2024

A tough one to get to ...

Well that was the adventure getting down (and back up again). Unfortunately logging above the falls has led to a lot of log fall and so not a very photographic falls anymore

Hodgetts Falls

22 Jan 2024


What a great little adventure getting to this one, and then such a surprise and delight. I found this falls by accident (it appeared on my car navigation when looking for Cam Falls) and so glad it did.